FUJI X70-FUJI X70FUJI X70 售價:23800 我要購買 |
其他資料列表: 1.FUJIFILM X70 | Fujifilm Global Official product information of FUJIFILM X70, a premium compact camera of the X series. It is the lightest camera of the X series that features 16MP APS-C X-Trans II ... fujifilm-x.com/en/cameras/x70 Explore the world of FUJIFILMX X70, the smallest and lightest X-Series model with an APS-C sized sensor. Get the latest news from here! Official product information of FUJIFILM X70, a premium compact camera of the X series. It is the lightest camera of the X series that features 16MP APS-C X-Trans II ...
A simple, convenient point-and-shoot characterized by its large image sensor and intuitive handling, the black X70 Digital Camera maintains Fujifilm's preference for ... |
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